Friday, June 12, 2009

The One minute UPDATE!!!! read the post after this one first makes more sense

It turns out that they didn't end it with marriage the way I did, that is a big no no because more work for me, these celebrities never know when to quit.

It turns out that we got a few otter leaks on the Internet of Rihanna and it's not just the beat facial. there turns out to be naked photos on of Rihanna on the Internet (come down boys). Course the photo doesn't show her head so we don't even know if it's really her or another women posing.

a lot of people think that it's real and others think it's fake you be the judge but you will have to go on a different blog I don't want to be censored plus it's a school blog.

the photo shows the usual parts that males like example chest, back side, and waist. it doesn't show the head or her pass her thighs. So we got to think for a second if this photo is real or fake.
well to me if I don't see evidence (A HEAD) of a photo doesn't matter if the photo is graphic or not I won't believe it's that person unless there is evidence.

Now lets chat and say this is Rihanna. If this is Rihanna, this would effect her career as a singer hard core because Rihanna main target audience are teens as in 13-19. We already know if something comes into a tragic the people take over and state the your future if your going to live in a mansion or apartment WE HAVE POWER!!! If this happens to a celebrity the celebrity will fight and sometimes lie and say that's not me that's some poseur and get into a big debate about it.

For a sec lets think that it was Rihanna how can you tell that is her. Rihanna has a gun tattoo and the picture has a gun tattoo on the body so it can be her or another person with the same tattoo.
How did the picture get on the Internet in the first place. Rihanna's computer might of got hacked by a perverted computer geek or i might of been Chris brown AGAIN WITH CHRIS BROWN HIS ONLY HUMAN!!!! for some reason a lot of people like to blame the celebrity's partner he/she is with now. The partner can't get a Kick-Kat to take a break (commercial that I can't get out of my head). Poor Chris Brown all the things he went through and the people aren't letting up they will blame the guy for the smallest thing I probably bet that if he through a soda can on the ground and someone video taped it and went on the Internet the people would probably blame him for Global Warming.

well this types of pictures shouldn't be on the Internet in the first place because little kids can access these photos easily and without a care they'll go to the photo and have a long good look at it. It's not just males that do it viewers it's also women. I know some girls that would wipe out there chests and measure there breast sizes so people like them could go on the Internet and compare there breast size with Rihanna, isn't that scary.

well that's the minute update and TTYL (that's right I use short terms)
BE SAFE FOR WHAT EVER YOU DO!!!!!!!!!!!????????.......

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